The Boys’ Brigade in Indonesia started in 1984 through the initiative of The Boys’ Brigade in Singapore. Mr Sam Tan from The Boys’ Brigade Singapore approached GMI or Gereja Methodist Indonesia (The Methodist in Indonesia) in Medan, Sumatera Island with the idea of starting a Christian uniform ministry for children and youth. This followed by GMI sending a delegation of three church officials to Singapore in June 1994 to learn more about the ministry.

The delegations came back and reported their findings. After some consideration and discussion, the Methodist Church in Indonesia (GMI) decided to enroll The Boys’ Brigade Ministry as one of the church children and youth ministry. The ministry was named PUTRA PENGABDI or ‘Serving Boy’ and adopted The Boys’ Brigade philosophy, methodology and program.


The First Company sponsored by the South Medan Methodist Church (Gereja Methodist Medan Selatan) was formally established in 1986. The second company was formed three years later and it was soon followed by the third company in 1990.


Although Indonesia in the 1990s went through a turbulent years, we thank the Lord for his sustaining love. Having heard the cries of His servants, Mr Lim K Tham, the Executive Director of The Boys’ Brigade Singapore made several visits to Medan to help The Boys’ Brigade Indonesia. This was followed by countless of mission minded The Boys’ Brigade officers from Singapore and Malaysia to help propel The Boys’ Brigade work in Indonesia. The perseverance paid off with the emergence of a new generation of local Indonesian The Boys’ Brigade leaders. They took on the challenge and their love for God’s children and youth are the result of what The Boys’ Brigade Indonesia is today.


The Boys’ Brigade ministry arrived in Jawa Island in 2004. An Indonesian lady, Mrs Magdalena, a home school owner in the city of Surabaya saw The Boys’ Brigade in action during of her visit to Singapore. Her curiosity led her to enquire about The Boys’ Brigade ministry. She was not disappointed and was elated to find out that it is a Christian based uniform body for children and youth. It was God’s answered prayer to her and she subsequently contacted The Boys’ Brigade Singapore leadership. A delegation of The Boys’ Brigade leaders from The Boys’ Brigade Malaysia, The Boys’ Brigade Singapore and The Boys’ Brigade in Sumatra Island went to Surabaya to conduct the inaugural officers training in July 2004. The visit resulted in the birth of two The Boys’ Brigade companies in Surabaya City. The capital city of Indonesia, Jakarta followed suit with the first company established in 2006.


Today, The Boys’ Brigade can be found in the two most populated island of Indonesia, namely Java Island and Sumatra Island. It does not only confine within one Christian denomination. Like Malaysia and Singapore, The Boys’ Brigade has found home in various Christian denominations that profess Jesus is Lord. Realising the effective platform that The Boys’ Brigade could offer, many Christian schools and Pentecostal churches have also taken up the opportunity to adopt The Boys’ Brigade ministry.


The total number of company that ever existed is 35 companies. 20 companies in Sumatra Island, and 15 companies in Java Island. From all the twenty companies that ever existed in Sumatra only 10 is still operating. While from 15 companies in Java Island, fourteen are still operating.


2010 is the other historical year for The Boys’ Brigade Indonesia, where The Boys’ BrigadeI for the first time got its full time staff; Executive director and Administration staff which are Saud Tanamassa and Denny Wu, respectively. This is made possible by the help of The Boys’ Brigade Asia, The Boys’ Brigade Singapore and The Boys’ Brigade Malaysia. A big percentage of the fund came from the three institutions.


The Boys’ Brigade Indonesia in the present time is giving its full attention on expanding The Boys’ Brigade to other city, especially those cities in the east of Indonesia. And at the same time The Boys’ BrigadeI is trying to register the organisation to the government.


1. To strengthen the existing companies.
2. To develop strong inter-company connectivity District Executive Committee.
3. To strengthen BBI fund by looking for more donors.
4. To hire one more staff for Jakarta Base.
5. To form District for Surabaya.
6. To introduce BB to more schools, churches and Seminary.
7. To upgrade the quality of The Boys’ Brigade activity.
8. To find an office to be made become headquarters.